
Before heading out on the bike, know your route, know the road conditions, and dress to be seen by other road users. Ride safe and have fun!
Riding in Groups
When riding in a group, extra precautions help keep everyone safe. Be sure to:
- Listen to ride leaders
- Be predictable; use hand signals and verbal cues
- Bike in good working order; have ability to repair or get picked up
- Obey traffic laws
- Know the route
- Have water and snacks
Local Road Conditions
Check out the following links for information on road conditions in our area:
- Tompkins County Road Projects (Tompkins County Highway Division)
- Road Conditions: Ithaca/Tompkins. Reports from Mothers, Fathers, & Others. (Facebook group)
Safety Tips and Quizzes
- Pedestrian and Bike Law (from the New York Bicycling Coalition)
- Test your knowledge! Take the NYBC quizzes on cyclist, pedestrian and motorist laws.
- Bike safety tips and laws from the Department of Transportation
New York State Cycling Laws
Details of state laws for cyclists.
COVID-19 and Group Rides
We encourage people who join club rides to get vaccinated if they have not already done so, but we do not require proof of vaccination. People who join our rides are encouraged to consider their vaccination and health status and take such precautions they deem appropriate, including refraining from drafting if unvaccinated. Riders are encouraged to bring a mask in case of a stop at an indoor location with mask requirements.